
We want to shortly go through this workflow and make sure everyone understands what would happen if we were to execute this using snakemake:

# number of files to create
n = 3

# the first rule defines the required output for the whole workflow
# it is usually called all
rule all:
        # expand is a snakemake command
        # it is used to create file paths
        # based on patterns and placeholders.
        # Here we create n file paths for n
        # output files.
               filenumber = range(0,n))

# this rule is a dummy rule that produces input files
# for us
# In reality we would get input files from the internet
# or from our local directories
rule createFile:
    # This rule produces output files
    # With path names of this pattern
    # In this section we can have shell commands
    # This could be anything you would write in
    # your command prompt.
        echo "this could be any string" > {output}

# This is our second rule
# It takes a text file and capitalizes it
rule capitalizeFile:
    # This is the input location we want to work on
    # and this is the output we'll create
        with open(input[0]) as inputfile, open(output[0], "w") as outputfile:
            for line in inputfile:

# Run this script by calling snakemake