Build a full workflow ====================== The task ---------- We want to perform read mapping and variant genotyping against a genome graph, a data structure which contains known genetic variation observed in a population or a species. We will use `gramtools `_ to do this, which I develop. The data --------- We have 5 read sets from `Mycobacterium tuberculosis`, a bacterial pathogen. We also have its reference genome and a file describing known variants, in the `VCF `_ format. The data files are in `P3/data`. We will build a genome graph, map the reads to it, and find out which samples have which variants. Desired workflow ----------------- .. figure:: ../img/P3_dag.svg The steps of the workflow to implement. Only two samples are shown. Steps explained ---------------- .. table:: :align: center ================= ====================================================== =============================================================== Step Purpose Command ================= ====================================================== =============================================================== :ref:`build` Build a genome graph from genome reference + variants ``gramtools build {options}`` :ref:`quasimap` Map reads from a sample to a genome graph ``gramtools quasimap {options}`` infer Infer which variants the mapped sample has ``gramtools infer {options}`` compress compress a VCF file and index it for fast access ``bgzip {file} && bcftools {file}.gz`` mergeVcfs combine compressed VCFs into one multi-sample VCF ``bcftools merge -O z {inputs} > {output}`` :ref:`plots` make plots of the variation found (Brice's script) ``python3 scripts/ {in}.vcf.gz {outdir}`` ================= ====================================================== =============================================================== **Get information the command options by running them on the command-line**. .. _build: build ``````` This command takes a `kmer-size` option, reasonable values are < 12. .. _quasimap: quasimap ````````` This command takes a `run-directory` option, which stores all results for a given sample. It used again in the ``infer`` step. .. _plots: plots ````````` The script plots, given a multi-sample VCF file, i) variant density and ii) the site frequency spectrum. This script uses the excellent python package `scikit-allel `_ for analysing genetic variation, if you're interested! Tips -------- Writing ```````````````` Here is the Snakefile we start from: .. literalinclude:: P3_dir/toComplete_Snakefile :language: python **Keep updating the ``all`` rule with each step you add**, so that you always have a functional workflow. Data ```````` Start by using only two samples, as in the provided `config/samples.tsv`. Then when your workflow works with two samples, run on all of them using:: mv config/all_samples.tsv config/samples.tsv